lundi 12 juin 2023

Greeting Cards: Dots & Spots - AVAILABLE

You've got somethin' sweet to say to someone?
My Cards are at $7 (price include an envelope that comes with) + shipping fees to your location.

Vous avez quelque chose de gentil à dire à quelqu'un?
Mes cartes sont à 5e (le prix inclus une enveloppe qui vient avec) + frais d'envoi.

Format : 135x190mm

Achat disponible via ma boutique en ligne (cliquez le lien)

to order at/ou à commander via:



Two lovely cards, that matches together!
Deux jolies cartes assorties!

Sent Love Postcards

Do you need a card for a love letter? It can be for your lover as well as someone you cherish; a best friend, a member of your family... You...